Dr. Salomon’s Interview to the RockYourLab Podcast
Prof. Eitan Okun (Bar Ilan University) interviewed Dr. Roy Salomon to the RockYourLab podcast. The two have discussed the research of the Sense of Self, Sense of Reality, and Psychedelics Hallucinations vs. Schizophrenia-induced Hallucinations. The interview with Dr. Salomon: The Brain, Reality and the Sense of Self RockYourLab series
Slab fMRI Analysis workshop
We’re in the middle of a workshop on fMRI analysis using FSL and Nipype, a step into an open-source world, allowing us reproducibility and transparency in our fMRI analysis. We learn how to use FSL, code, and create a full preprocessing to analysis pipeline. Looking forward to implementing this in our next fMRI projects and